Red Bull Will It Fly


It's rocket science

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University is the world's most prestigious and accredited aerospace and aviation school. The majority of US astronauts are ERAU alumni. The most powerful telescope in the US is owned by ERAU. SpaceX, NASA, and every major airline hire more ERAU grads than any other university. This intriguing success, paired with the proximity to Cape Canveral's rich rocketry and space exploration history, provided a ripe foundation for a collegiate rocketry contest. 

Wait, what?

Around the time that SpaceX landed the first successful orbital class reflight (in case you're not a nerd like me, they made a rocket that can go to space, deliver supplies, and land back on Earth on it's own) we decided that it was time to pull the trigger on a cool Red Bull event at ERAU. Red Bull Will It Fly was conceived. 

The Format:

Students were provided with a variety of materials to construct a customized rocket, built to try and maximize 3 scoring elements. The controlled variables:

- Everyone had to use the same rocket "motor". It was the highest powered rocketry fuel cell that you can legally launch without having an advanced certification. a G-Class motor. 

- The landing gear of the rocket MUST be 3D printed

3 scoring elements to crown the winner:

      1. Land the rocket as close to the launch point as possible

      2. Reach the maximum altitude possible 

      3. Land the rocket upright

The Results:

- 300 passionate spectators witnessed and rallied around a big moment in the rocketry community

- 14 teams of 3 ERAU students crafted aeronautical masterpieces that garnered nationwide attention

- 8 students used the materials to earn their level 2 rocketry certification, a major accomplishment in rocketry. SFTES (Students for the Exploration of Space) students are in the process of being the first student organization to put a rocket into space. To do so they need to advance their rocketry certifications, and we helped achieve that. 

"This contest has provided resources and experiences that have up-leveled and excited our students in a very positive manner. My sincerest thanks to James and the Red Bull team for organizing this opportunity."

- Dr. Maj Mirmirani - Dean of the College of Aerospace Engineering